
Biblical Mastery Academy

How to choose the right Greek dictionary for the job

Published 5 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader!

There are many different options for looking at what Greek words mean.

But it really depends on your goals. There are at least 3 different reasons you might want to look up the meaning of a word, and each reason would suggest a different kind of resource.

So in this video, we'll look at the three use cases, and the top three dictionaries for each one, so that you can make sure you've got at least one of each kind in your library.

What do you find yourself using the most? Hit reply and let me know or share in the comments here.

In Christ,

Biblical Mastery Academy

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The average Christian who wants to understand the Bible is limited to a surface-level reading of scripture and commentaries. So, we give you the tools and plan to learn the original languages of the Bible so that you can go deeper and mine the riches of scripture with the clarity of a native first-century reader. Enter your best email address and we'll send you our free plan to go from where you are now to reading and studying the Greek New Testament with confidence!

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